Aquaculture has a key role to play in providing food and employment for a growing human population. This premiere Canadian aquaculture event will highlight how aquaculture is ensuring future prosperity locally, nationally and globally. With its long aquaculture history, Canada has a vibrant and diverse industry that reflects national interests in sustainable finfish, shellfish and seaweed aquaculture. The Aquaculture Canada 2019 conference and tradeshow will highlight advances in the science and technology of aquaculture, in preparing for the sustainable food systems of the future.
Sessions Being Planned:
Fish Nutrition
Fish Physiology
Aquaculture and the Environment
Shellfish Production
Fish Health
Human Capital
Indigenous Partnerships and
Community Engagement
Landbased RAS / Alternative Species
Production Innovations
Youth Engagement
Integrated Pest Management
Climate Change and Aquaculture
Seaweed Culture and Markets
Wild and Farmed Interactions
Communicating Aquaculture
Aquaculture Canada 2019 will provide 3 full days of learning and networking opportunities that should not be missed. Abstract submission and early bird registration deadline is March 8th.
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