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Shrimp farmer tests Vibrio-suppression technology

A shrimp farmer in Dallas, Texas is field-testing a technology that it developed to keep indoor shrimp farms safe from bacteria.

Study to make raw oysters safer to eat underway

The USDA is funding a study that seeks to find out what causes the levels of a potentially deadly bacteria to rise in farmed oysters.

Canadian town mulls aquaculture service hub

A Canadian town is reportedly considering building an aquaculture service hub that will provide comprehensive services to fish farms in the Atlantic region.
Fresh Flo

Consumer awareness a priority for new head of BC Salmon Farmers Association

Educating consumers in urban centers in British Columbia about the critical role salmon farming plays in the lives of BC families and the economy is a priority for the new executive director of the BC Salmon Farmers Association. » Read more

KSU hosts indoor marine shrimp farming workshop

Kentucky State University is running a workshop on indoor marine shrimp farming on September 14 and 15. » Read more

American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting

August 19-23, 2018
Atlantic City, New Jersey
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Aqua 2018

August 25-29, 2018
Montpellier, France
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