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May 15, 2019
Top Stories 

Mowi shares insights into its sea lice arsenal in BC

Hydrogen peroxide plays key role but timely permits for its use is crucial, company says.

Aquaculture needs to set the record straight

Canadian conference highlights industry’s progress in addressing the public’s concerns but also the difficulty of communicating that progress to that audience.

HR ups its game as aquaculture competes for talent

Recruiting in a tight labor market is an ongoing effort and requires creativity and the adoption of new tools.

Health challenges in salmonid farming focus of new report

A new technical report the gives an overview of emerging diseases in farmed salmonids is now available online. » Read more

Millennials: Consumers of the workplace

Event marketing is one way to burrow into the consciousness of potential recruits, especially millennials. » Read more

Vegan rainbow trout could hit market soon

Rainbow trout species that can be raised on a fully plant-based diet has been identified through a genetic-selection research and will be grown by an Oregon farmer. » Read more

Wait times down for shellfish aquaculture permitting

Applicants for shellfish aquaculture permits in Norfolk, Seattle, New Orleans and Baltimore have seen reduced wait times. » Read more
Job Board 

Assistant/Associate Professor

Job Type: Full-time
Location: Guelph, Ontario, Canada
Company: University of Guelph
Contact: Dr. E. James Squires
Phone: 519-824-4120 ext. 53928
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Science Group Leader – Seafood Production

Job Type: Full-time
Location: Nelson, New Zealand
Company: Plant & Food Research
Contact: Gillian Cooper
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Graduate Research Assistantship

Job Type: Full-time
Location: Frankfort, Kentucky
Company: Kentucky State University
Contact: Dr. Robert M. Durborow
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Nursery Technician

Job Type: Full-time
Location: Hudson, NY
Company: Hudson Valley Fish Farms
Contact: Brittany Peachey
Phone: 5182494750
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