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June 19, 2019
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BC seafood festival highlights 'new era of cooperation'

'Farmed versus wild' is often heard in the seafood industry, but for 10 days in British Columbia's Comox Valley the farmed and wild seafood sectors came together under one banner to promote BC seafood.

Newfoundland steps up efforts to address skills gap

Efforts are underway in the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador to expand its aquaculture workforce.

Industrial park to support aquaculture

A town in the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador is building an industrial park that will support the area’s growing aquaculture and mining sectors. » Read more
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King Kampachi gets ASC certification

The Kampachi Company's King Kampachi offshore farm in La Paz, Mexico, has received Aquaculture Stewardship Council certification, the company said in a statement. » Read more

On-campus hatcheries offer hands-on learning

With access to two on-campus hatcheries, the experiential learning within Fleming College’s Aquaculture Co-op program ensures students have a head start on their career. » Read more
Job Board 

Assistant/Associate Professor

Job Type: Full-time
Location: Guelph, Ontario, Canada
Company: University of Guelph
Contact: Dr. E. James Squires
Phone: 519-824-4120 ext. 53928
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Graduate Research Assistantship

Job Type: Full-time
Location: Frankfort, Kentucky
Company: Kentucky State University
Contact: Dr. Robert M. Durborow
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