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Cermaq launches Sea the Solution, a call for ocean sustainability

Cermaq has launched Sea the Solution, an online campaign recognizing how industries use the ocean in a way that “has not sufficiently respected the multiple roles and complex biodiversity in the ocean.”

Winning social license in Maine

A special town meeting in Jonesport, Maine scored a decisive victory for aquaculture in the State of Maine. Voting 201 to 91, residents of this lobstering community of about 1,250 rejected a proposed moratorium on commercial aquaculture facilities.

Not for the faint of heart

It takes a special sort of determination to be successful working the cold, clear waters of the Northwest Atlantic. People in the Newfoundland and Labrador aquaculture sector know this fact only too well.
Sponsored Spotlight 

Bioinformatics in Aquaculture: Principles and Methods

Bioinformatics in Aquaculture provides the most up to date reviews of next generation sequencing technologies, their applications in aquaculture, and principles and methodologies for the analysis of genomic and transcriptomic large datasets using bioinformatic methods, algorithm, and databases. The book is unique in providing guidance for the best software packages suitable for various analysis, providing detailed examples of using bioinformatic software and command lines in the context of real world experiments. » Learn more

Adapt or die

Dependent on the environment to provide optimal conditions for fish rearing, the industry is at risk from/at the mercy of climate change. Researchers at Memorial University of Newfoundland and Labrador are among the leaders in the fight against the impacts of climate change on net pen farms on the east coast of Canada. » Read more

Farm and protect

Protecting cage and pen fisheries from invasive species is a big challenge. According to the National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration, invasive species are considered to be one of the greatest threats to marine and coastal biodiversity worldwide, second only to habitat loss. » Read more

Deriving value from otherwise sunk costs

Though we should always strive to optimize fish husbandry, establish and institute biosecurity protocols, and regularly monitor the health of our animals, some fish will not make it to market. » Read more

HI/Oxyguard webinar ad

Hatchery 101: Master your monitoring

August 24, 2022
Webinar, Hatchery International
» Learn more

Aquaculture Innovation Forum

September 6 - September 7, 2022
London, U.K.
» Learn more