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BCSFA declares Indigenous-led transition plan for salmon farming in B.C.

The BC Salmon Farmers Association released a new report titled, “BC Salmon Aquaculture Transition: Then & Now”, details how First Nations right to self-determination and reconciliation will lead the way to “a successful transition plan for salmon farming in British Columbia.”

Kurt Grinnell Aquaculture Scholarship Foundation appoints two members to board of directors

The KGASF has announced the appointment of Wally Stevens, former CEO and current chair of the Global Seafood Alliance in Portsmouth, N.H., and Cyr Couturier, chair of the Master of Science in Aquaculture program at Memorial University in St. John’s, N.L., Canada, to its board of directors.

DFO confirms sea lice not associated with farmed salmon

A new peer-reviewed Science Response Report published on the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada’s website by the Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat concludes that sea lice on farm-raised salmon does not impact sea lice levels on wild juvenile salmon in British Columbia.
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Medaka: Biology, Management, and Experimental Protocols, Volume 2

The second volume of Medaka: Biology, Management, and Experimental Protocols, together with the first volume, helps to familiarize scientists with the advantages of using medaka in experimental designs, to facilitate research using medaka, and to stimulate progress by adopting medaka as a model animal. The second edition expands on the first by providing additional information and current protocols that have been recently developed, or modified, to successfully raise medaka fish under stable culture conditions in the laboratory. » Learn more

Tilapia: Alive and well

Asia and Latin America own the tilapia market, both fresh fillets and frozen. In the face of such market control, the only significant slice of the market open to U.S. producers has been in live fish, which Kevin Fitzsimmons, one of the world’s foremost tilapia experts, calls a “fairly legitimate production industry.” Here, companies like Virginia-based Blue Ridge Aquaculture have served the preferences of both Asian and Hispanic communities over the past two decades. » Read more
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Aquaculture America 2023

February 23 - February 26, 2023
New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.
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April 20 - April 22, 2023
Orlando, Florida U.S.
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World Aquaculture 2023

May 29 - June 01, 2023
Darwin, Northern Territories, Australia
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