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Canadore rolling out EVT training

Canadore College, based at North Bay, Ont., is looking to help alleviate the shortage of emergency vehicle technicians (EVT) and maintenance challenges facing departments through an EVT training program now being offered in partnership with the Fire Department Safety Officers Association (FDSOA). By Laura Aiken

Educating to save a life: Creating a fire hall lecture to talk about a firefighter’s health risks

In the spring of 2022, Craig Bowman’s life changed forever when he was diagnosed with stage four esophageal cancer after working in the fire service for over two decades. His 19-year-old daughter, Lexi, has since created a lecture and is attending fire halls to talk to firefighters about their increased risk of getting cancer. By Brittani Schroeder

Trainer’s Corner: Rookie training

When departments compartmentalize their rookies there are missed opportunities for team building. Sometimes I would assign a veteran to a rookie – like a big brother program. Rookie training is between 10 to 13 weeks and covers several topics, including incident management, ventilation and fire suppression, among many others. By Ed Brouwer
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Memoir shares the balancing-act experience of volunteer firefighting

A volunteer firefighter’s experience is something very different, and that is the real story Ian McLaren shares in this memoir.

Not My Emergency; The (Double) Life of a Volunteer Firefighter recounts 21 years of balancing the role a volunteer firefighter, school teacher/principal, husband and father in small town Alberta, Canada. Chief Ian McLaren recounts many of his most memorable calls, but the book is more focused on the dichotomy of trying to make the difficult transition from ‘regular life’ to emergency scenes and back again while maintaining my sanity. Some of the stories are humorous, a few of them are tragic and most have elements of both.

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Train safely to avoid pain

In a December 2017 study from Western and McMaster universities of 294 active-duty firefighters in Hamilton, Ont., it was determined that 70 per cent experience pain or injury of some kind. Researchers also found that, over the age of 42, the chances of neck or limb pain double, and neck pain quadruples. The study, titled Prevalence and distribution of musculoskeletal disorders in firefighters are influenced by age and length of service, states that rotator cuff injury is the most common in younger firefighters (making it more likely to be the first of the injuries experienced). By Chris Semenuk » Read more...

First Responders Fitness Festival: Inaugural event unites firefighters, police, paramedics and the community

What do you get when members of the fire service, paramedics and law enforcement come together? You get a new event that unites the community and raises awareness and money for first responder physical and mental health. So how did it all start? By Brittani Schroeder » Read more...

Fire Service Association of Nova Scotia Conference

Date: April 1, 2023
Location: Truro, N.S.
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