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A Message from our sponsor

Join North America’s largest virtually connected CAD network and save 125,000 lives every year

Why does this matter?
Millions of 911 calls are made each year by citizens seeking immediate, life-saving help. However, as Blue Line Magazine reports, these calls come into thousands of different primary and secondary dispatch centers that use multiple types of software systems, preventing dispatchers from easily identifying, deploying and coordinating emergency resources across jurisdictions. This results in longer response times to life-threatening emergencies.


What’s the solution?

CAD-to-CAD technology joins CAD systems together so that multiple agencies can communicate with each other – sharing dispatch, situational intelligence and locations of vehicles and first responders. Communities are able to integrate law enforcement, fire and EMS resources with their neighboring communities. The CAD-to-CAD solution preserves the autonomy of each dispatch center as it integrates into existing CAD workstations. This eliminates the need for retraining dispatchers and builds on the unique local requirements of each center.

Why consider CentralSquare?
“CentralSquare already works with over 20 public safety agencies in Canada and more than 5,000 in total.” – Blue Line Magazine

  • Slash up to 2 minutes of response time per emergency
  • Function as one integrated, cross-jurisdictional system
  • Widely deployed and easily integrated
  • Patented technology powers seamless connectivity in complex operational environments of police, fire and EMS agencies throughout Canada and the U.S.
Learn More
1000 Business Center Drive, Lake Mary, FL 32746
800-727-8088 • info@centralsquare.com