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A Message from our sponsor
Looking for a university credential?
This online certificate is short, fully online and offered in collaboration with the
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.
  • Learn practical knowledge relating to the detection and prevention of international crime and criminal justice issues
  • Based on the UNODC - E4J program, designed by 600+ academics and experts from around the globe
  • Choose 8 of 10 university-level ½-courses; 6 weeks in length
  • Can be completed in as little as two terms, part-time
Interdisciplinary Courses

UNDC100 Introduction to the UNODC
UNDC101 Integrity and Ethics in Promoting a Culture of Lawfulness
UNDC102 Crime Prevention & Criminal Justice
UNDC103 Trafficking in Persons/Smuggling of Migrants
UNDC200 Anti-Corruption
UNDC201 Transnational Organized Crime
UNDC202 Illicit Misuse and Trafficking of Firearms
UNDC203 Digital Technologies and Crime
UNDC204 Wildlife, Forest & Fisheries Crime
UNDC205 Counter-Terrorism

Questions? Contact us - we’re happy to help!
