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A Message from our sponsor
A step forward for public safety
Revolutionize Your Fleet:
Axon's Newest Tech
A simple change has already led to a notable uptick in public safety for several North American communities.

In-car evidence capture and alerting capabilities have taken a huge step forward with the release of Axon's Fleet 3 and ALPR solutions. It's an improvement that's getting noticed.

Join us as our subject-matter experts share real-world examples of this technology in action. Along with case studies and first-hand experience, you'll learn how Axon's solutions can unlock the potential of your fleet. We'll share the latest trends and best practices surrounding in-car cameras and ALPR technology. We'll hear from an Ontario Provincial Police guest speaker about how Axon technology has played a role in their department.
Mar 30, 2023 10:00 AM (PST)
Register now and make sure you don't miss fall behind on the newest public safety technologies
We excited to show you what's new,
— Team Axon
Axon Public Safety Canada Inc.
222 Bay Street, Suite 3000 Toronto, M5K 1E7 Canada
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