Have you registered yet? Make sure you get a seat at the table to discuss powering Asia with Canadian wood pellets at this year’s Wood Pellet Association of Canada AGM and Conference taking place in Vancouver Sept. 18–19.
WPAC conference and AGM – Canada’s largest gathering of the wood pellet industry – will feature workshops, speakers and sessions focused on global and Asian markets, sustainable fibre sourcing, the wood pellet supply chain, world class research and development, growing Canada’s pellet market, and more!
BONUS: WPAC is offering post-conference site tours in northern British Columbia to visit Pacific Bioenergy’s Prince George pellet plant, Nechako Lumber and Premium Pellet in Vanderhoof, and Pinnacle Pellet’s Burns Lake pellet plant.
This year’s conference also includes a three-hour boat cruise aboard the Magic Spirit through Indian Arm — a steep-sided glacial fjord formed during the last ice age!
The special hotel rate of $299 expires on August 28. The block is selling out fast! Standard room rates start at $500.
For more information and to register, click here!