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WPAC webinar
Safety Foundations Course: Session 2 Now Available!
The second of a free six-part Safety Foundation Webinar Series presented by the Wood Pellet Association of Canada (WPAC) safety committee is now available. The series is being produced in co-operation with WorkSafeBC, the University of British Columbia Biomass and Bioenergy Research Group, BioMass Canada and media partner Canadian Biomass magazine.

The first two sessions focus on bow tie risk analysis, a simple and effective tool for communicating risk assessment results. “Part one looked at how bow tie analysis can be used to assess combustible dust hazards and controls,” says Fahimeh Yazdan Panah, director of research and technical development at WPAC. “Part two builds on this by showing how the tool can be used to identify critical controls that prevent events such as explosions and fires, or mitigate the consequences.”

Each of the webinars is an hour long and followed by a quiz. Participants who successfully complete the quiz earn a certificate, and those who pass all six quizzes receive a Safety Foundation Course certificate.

Register HERE for the latest webinar, Using Bow Tie Analysis for Critical Controls Management led by Cherie Whelan, director for SAFE Companies, and Bill Laturnus, safety advisor, BC Forest Safety Council. The remaining sessions, which look at human-machine interface and best practices for managing major safety hazards, will be released every two weeks. They can all be viewed at https://www.pellet.org/safety-foundation-course/.

The webinars provide valuable information about process safety to everyone involved in the pellet industry, including operating personnel at all levels of a pellet plant, supervisors, senior management, control operators, other industry participants, equipment suppliers, and safety professionals.
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