A Message from our sponsor

Pinnacle is pleased to support its acquisition by long-time customer and partner in sustainability, Drax (UK). Now operating as a subsidiary of Drax, Pinnacle has an even deeper understanding of customers’ needs and a greater technical knowledge to support their customers from start to finish.

Pinnacle is proud to work with major power generators worldwide on projects that will help achieve their climate impact goals, while supplying them with both world-class sustainable biomass and valuable technical know-how.

Drax’s are experts in the transition to renewable power from early-stage co-firing, to enhanced co-firing and finally to full conversion to dedicated biomass. Drax have been piloting Bioenergy Carbon Capture and Storage System (BECCS) for the last two years and with this technology will soon be the largest carbon negative generator in the world. Together with Drax, Pinnacle offers a true one-stop resource for both fuel and technology to help our customers walk down the same path. Our sustainable biomass fuel delivery options include two of our own bulk vessels, access to four deep water terminals of which two are wholly owned, and production from 17 pellet plants across the S.E. United States and Western Canada.

We look forward to discussing these exciting possibilities with you, so please reach out to the Pinnacle sales team:


Pinnacle Renewable Energy Inc.
350 - 3600 Lysander Lane, Richmond, BC V7B 1C3 Canada
Phone: 604-270-9613
Fax: 604-270-9914