A message from the publisher

ECO Canada’s 2023 HR Series survey conducted by Leger Research has just launched! Share your knowledge and illuminate key trends impacting environmental workforce diversity and compensation.

Studies from 2021 showed that while progress has been made to cultivate a diverse workforce, organizations still have a way to go in building an adequate supply of environmental workers and filling the 173,000 net environmental job openings anticipated through 2025.

By completing this survey, you’ll help inform strategic workforce solutions that drive equity and inclusion across all industries. To thank you for your participation, you will receive a chance to be entered to win one of ten $100 gift cards, and employers will receive a free copy of the 2022-23 environmental compensation guide!

About ECO Canada

ECO Canada is the steward for the Canadian environmental workforce across all industries. From job creation and wage funding to training and labour market research, we champion the end-to-end career of an environmental professional. Our efforts promote and drive responsible, sustainable economic growth to ensure that environmental care and best practice are a priority.

Canadian Biogas Association | Association canadienne de biogaz
275 Slater Street, Suite 1800, Ottawa, ON K1P 5H9
Telephone:(613) 822-1004