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FEATURED NEWS: Using biomass to meet Alberta's climate goals
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Conifex discusses new Mackenzie power plant

The recently built power plant in Mackenzie, B.C. was in the spotlight during the “Innovation, Future Opportunities” session at the COFI 2016 Convention… >> Read full article

RISI releases Global Pellet Demand Outlook

RISI has released the 2015 version of its Global Pellet Demand Outlook, analyzing the development of pellet demand in major global markets over the next 10 years… >> Read full article

Researchers discover microalga for biofuel

A research team from Texas A&M University has discovered an enzyme in a common microalga that can assist in the development of biofuel… >> Read full article

 Featured News 
Using biomass to meet Alberta's climate goals

Using biomass to meet Alberta's climate goals

The Government of Alberta is phasing out coal power plants and offering incentives for wind and solar energy. But what about meeting peak power demands, managing intermittent power drops from wind or solar, and the potential stranding of massive existing power generating assets?

That’s where biomass can balance out the supply side. Biomass can be used as a direct coal replacement to provide power on demand… >> Learn More…


IEA Bioenergy releases large scale biomass firing report

IEA Bioenergy has released a biomass firing report entitled, "The status of large scale biomass firing: The milling and combustion of biomass materials in large pulverised coal boilers"... >> Read full article

Air Canada partners in biojet supply chain initiative

Air Canada has announced it will participate in Canada's Biojet Supply Chain Initiative… >> Read full article

Astec receives $122.5M pellet plant order

Astec Industries, Inc. has received an order for the final $122.5 million of a pellet plant order for Highland Pellets along with a related deposit on that order. >> Read full article

 Event Calendar 

Northwest Wood-Based Biofuels & Co-Products

May 3-4, 2016
Location: Seattle, Wash. >> More Info

Biomass co-firing workshop

May 4, 2016
Location: Edmonton, Alta. >> More Info

WEBINAR: Dust Explosion Mitigation I - Managing the risk

May 25, 2016 >> More Info