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FEATURED NEWS: Dust Explosion Mitigation I - Managing the risk
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Millar Western ramps up $42M cleantech biogas project

Millar Western Forest Products Ltd. has spent more than $42 million on a new facility to convert biological waste from its Whitecourt, Alta. pulp mill into biogas… >> Read full article

Ontario passes cap and trade climate change bill

The Ontario government has passed legislation to battle climate change in the form of a cap and trade system… >> Read full article

Solenis licenses patented corn oil extraction technology to Buckman

Solenis and Buckman Laboratories announced the resolution of a pending lawsuit filed by Buckman against Solenis regarding Solenis’ patent for using polysorbate as an additive for corn oil extraction aids… >> Read full article

 Sponsor’s Message 
Export Awards

Third Annual Ontario Export Awards

The 3rd annual Ontario Export Awards are back in 2016 to pay tribute to the success and innovative approaches of Ontario export companies! Extending across industries and including both rural and urban representation, the awards are a celebration of the contributions exporters have made to both the provincial and national economies.

The awards are free to enter and finalists and winners will be recognized at the annual Gala in Toronto this Fall. Enter now or nominate a company that deserves to be recognized!
>> Learn More

 Featured News 
Dust Explosion

Dust Explosion Mitigation I - Managing the risk

Is your operation at risk? Are you confident in your risk assessment skill set, and how do you know if you are doing enough, or perhaps even too much, to manage your specific risk… >> Learn More…


EPA propose renewable fuel levels increases

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has proposed increases in renewable fuel volume requirements across all types of biofuels under the Renewable Fuel Standard program… >> Read full article

Biorefinery facility supplied with forest residues

FPInnovations and Bioénergie La Tuque recently announced the signing of a collaborative agreement, the main purpose of which is to lead to the installation of a biorefinery facility supplied with forest residues… >> Read full article

Making progress towards sustainable forest management

International experts meeting to safeguard the future of the world’s forests have drawn up a six-point plan to strengthen collaboration on the use of criteria and indicators to guide and track progress towards the goal of sustainable forest management… >> Read full article

 Event Calendar 

Webinar: Dust Explosion Mitigation I - Managing the risk

May 25, 2016 >> More Info

IBCE 2016

June 15-17, 2016
Location: Prince George, B.C. >> More Info

Asian Forest Products Summit

June 21-23, 2016
Location: Shanghai, China >> More Info