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FEATURED NEWS: Dust Explosion Mitigation II - Managing the dust
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IBCE 2016 comes to Prince George

The Prince George Civic Centre filled with bioenergy professionals from around the world to take in the International Bioenergy Conference and Exhibition in Prince George, B.C. >> Read full article

Fibre availability and access: challenges and opportunities

One of the hottest topics for bioenergy producers, access and available of fibre, took centre stage during an experts panel at IBCE 2016. >> Read full article

Biomass business case for managing wildfires

Canadian wildfire prevention teams are constantly looking for new and innovative ways to manage wildfires with limited budgets… >> Read full article

 Sponsor’s Message 
2016 Expo Awards

Nomination Deadline Approaching

Know of a customer, supplier or contact who has experienced growth and success exporting their goods to the world? Nominate them for a prestigious Ontario Export Award! Fill out an online nomination form before the deadline date of June 30, 2016.

Or, recognize your own company’s exporting achievements by applying for an award yourself. Either way, it’s simple with our quick and efficient online forms.

The awards are free to enter and finalists and winners will be recognized at the annual Gala in Toronto this Fall.

>> Learn More

 Featured News 
Dust Explosion Mitigation II - Managing the dust

Dust Explosion Mitigation II - Managing the dust

Join John Bachynski as he walks us through the most cost-effective ways to manage dust for a variety of operations. Are you protected, are your systems safe, and have you covered the seven critical explosion areas in your mill? >> Learn More…


A global overview of the wood pellet market

Hawkins Wright research manager Louisa Blair started the IBCE session with a global wood pellet market overview. She stated that the pellet market has experience year-on-year growth over the past 15 years. >> Read full article

Bioenergy sector's opportunities and challenges

Where do see opportunities and risks for bioenergy sector in the next decade? That was the question posed to the executive panel session during IBCE 2016. >> Read full article

Bioenergy, an industry in transition

Industry experts tackled a variety of bioenergy-related topics at IBCE 2016. >> Read full article

 Event Calendar 

Dust Explosion Mitigation II - Managing the dust

June 29, 2016
Location: Webinar >> More Info

Advanced Biofuels Symposium

July 6,2016
Location: Vancouver, B.C. >> More Info

WPAC 2016 AGM & Conference

September 20-22, 2016
Location: Harrison Hot Springs, B.C. >> More Info