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FEATURED NEWS: July 27: Dust Explosion Mitigation III - Managing the liability
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Corix and SFU to build energy plant

Corix Multi-Utility Services Inc. has signed an agreement with Simon Fraser University (SFU) to expand the existing district energy utility and move forward with a proposed Central Energy Plant on Burnaby Mountain in B.C. >> Read full article

Demo unit turns biomass into renewable natural gas

Gaz Métro and G4 Insights have developed a unique conversion process that turns forestry biomass into second-generation renewable natural gas. >> Read full article

Transitioning to the bioeconomy

One day soon, our children will be pulling bio-based products off the shelves without even thinking about it, writes Jeff Passmore, CEO of the Passmore Group. But transitioning to the bioeconomy will take time, so if Canada wants to stay competitive with its neighbours, we had better get started. >> Read full article

 Sponsor’s Message 

Okanagan Pellet Company Inc. Receivership Auction

Complete pellet plant for sale including: two pellet mills, rolling stock, fabric shelters, bagger, 2 balers, chip screens, feeder, blowers, silo, electrics, compressor, inventory and more, on behalf of D. Manning and Associates Inc. Everything to be sold absolutely unreserved.

DATE: Wednesday, July 20 @ 10am.
PLACE: 2677 Kyle Rd., West Kelowna, B.C.
PREVIEW: Tuesday, July 19, 9am to 5pm.
Sale Information by Phone: 604-308-2727
Sale conducted in partnership with Hilco Industrial.
Auction conducted live on-site and online.
>> Click to learn more!

 Featured News 
Dust Explosion Mitigation II - Managing the dust

July 27: Dust Explosion Mitigation III - Managing the liability

Do you fully understand your inspection and compliance requirements and liabilities? Recent events have shown what can go wrong, so don't be caught on the wrong side of this crucial issue.

From dust collection to system maintenance, 30-year veteran John Bachynski walks you through the complexities from an operational perspective. >> Learn More…

 Sponsor’s Message 
Export Awards 2016

Ontario Export Awards—call for entries closing July 31!

Are you an Ontario-based exporter? If so, this could be your year to get recognized with a prestigious 2016 Ontario Export Award. Taking place in Mississauga on November 22, the awards will once again recognize Ontario's top exporters, and celebrate the vital role of trade in Canada's economy. Exporters are invited to enter the awards using the efficient online application form. >> Apply Now


Support for Ontario’s Climate Change Action Plan

The Biomass North Development Centre supports Ontario’s Climate Change Action Plan and the mechanisms it employs to shift away from a carbon-based economy. But the association is concerned bioenergy is somewhat buried in the plan. >> Read full article

SBP approves Control Union Certifications BV

Control Union Certifications BV (CUC) is now the sixth “Sustainable Biomass Partnership-approved” certification body. The Sustainable Biomass Partnership (SBP) certification program comprises standards and processes that demonstrate compliance with regulatory requirements applicable to power generators burning woody biomass to produce energy. >> Read full article

Focus on algae applications

The latest advances in algae commercialization, research and finance will be on the agenda at the annual Algae Biomass Summit in Phoenix. >> Read full article

 Event Calendar 

WEBINAR: Dust Explosion Mitigation III - Managing the liability

July 27, 2016 >> More Info

International Training Seminar Biomass Heating

September 12-15, 2016
Location: Linz, Austria >> More Info

WPAC 2016 AGM & Conference

September 20-22, 2016
Location: Harrison Hot Springs, B.C. >> More Info