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Pinnacle building 475K-tonne pellet plant in Entwistle

Pinnacle Renewable Energy Inc. will be constructing an $85-million, 475,000-tonne wood pellet plant in the hamlet of Entwistle, Alta.

Sawmills in Quebec and Ontario generating oversupply of wood chips

Sawmills in Eastern Canada ran at record high levels in 2016, with production reaching levels almost 10 per cent higher than in 2015 and almost 40 per cent higher than five years ago.

Air Canada taking part in jet biofuel research

Air Canada is taking part in a research project led by the National Research Council of Canada to test the environmental benefits of biofuel use on contrails.

Island Lake biomass research yields compelling early results

It’s been almost six years since the Island Lake Biomass Harvest Experiment was established in the Martel Forest region near Chapleau, Ont., researchers have begun to share some surprising findings.

Canada's renewable energy share larger than most: NEB

Canada generates a larger share of its electricity from renewable sources than most other developed economies in the world, primarily due to its hydro production.
Sponsro Spotlight 
West Salem

WSM’s Super Shredder

WSM’s Super Shredder sets a new standard in high volume biomass fiber preparation. Bigger, Stronger, and Faster – with a massive 48” diameter hammer circle and throat openings from 60” to 88” wide and operating with up to 1000 HP. Field proven for converting high volumes of pre-processed biomass (including wood chips, hogged wood, and shredded fiber materials) into a consistently sized fiber for use in pellet production, biomass power, co-firing, mulch/bedding, compost, and other value-added fiber products. WSM Super Shredders are just part of WSM’s complete line of biomass processing equipment and systems, including metering, conveying, screening, cleaning, and grinding/milling equipment. >> Learn More
Featured News 
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Turning wastewater treatment facilities into revenue generators

Researchers in Guelph, Ont., an hour’s drive west of Toronto, are hoping to mine the money out of sewage with a new technology that maximizes anaerobic digestion at wastewater treatment plants. » Read more...
Featured News

Learn about wood pellet safety in action

Canadian Biomass magazine is partnering with the Wood Pellet Association of Canada for two days dedicated to all things safety. The Wood Pellet Safety Conference and Workshop Safety in Action will take place on June 13 and 14, 2017 in Prince George, B.C. » Read more...

IUFRO Tree Biotechnology Conference

June 4-9, 2017
Location: Concepción, Chile
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Atlantic Biorefinery Conference

June 7-9, 2017
Location: Fredericton
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