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Rentech to cancel remaining shipments to Drax

Rentech is in the midst of negotiations with UK utility Drax to cancel its outstanding wood pellet shipments for 2017, which amount to 193,000 metric tonnes.

Japanese company acquires nearly 50% of Pacific BioEnergy

Sumitomo Corporation of Japan has acquired a 48 per cent equity interest in Pacific BioEnergy Corporation.

Committee proposes amendments to EU’s RED II

If RED II passes with the amendment, it has the potential to prevent U.S. pellet producers from meeting the criteria to export to the EU.

Understanding sustainability certifications for wood pellets

WPAC executive director Gord Murray explains how wood pellets meet sustainability certifications and what that means for the solid biofuels market.

Haida community installs 720-kW biomass boiler

Old Massett, a remote Haida Nation community, is heating its government buildings with a 720-kw boiler that was commissioned in March 2017.
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WSM’s Super Shredder

WSM’s Super Shredder sets a new standard in high volume biomass fiber preparation. Bigger, Stronger, and Faster – with a massive 48” diameter hammer circle and throat openings from 60” to 88” wide and operating with up to 1000 HP. Field proven for converting high volumes of pre-processed biomass (including wood chips, hogged wood, and shredded fiber materials) into a consistently sized fiber for use in pellet production, biomass power, co-firing, mulch/bedding, compost, and other value-added fiber products. WSM Super Shredders are just part of WSM’s complete line of biomass processing equipment and systems, including metering, conveying, screening, cleaning, and grinding/milling equipment. >> Learn more
Featured News 
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China is getting serious about biomass power

China is a bit of a mystery to Canadian wood pellet producers. In June Vaughan Bassett travelled to Beijing to attend a two-day biomass co-firing workshop and to promote Canadian wood pellets. He shares his insights into the Chinese market for wood pellets. » Read more...
Featured News

Energex invests nearly 500K a year to modernize pellet mill

One of the largest pellet plants in Quebec, Energex, could also be the oldest. Max Béraud, the mill manager, does not even hesitate to call it an antiquity. Bought by Energex in 1993, the plant has since continued to exceed standards for pellets and refine its equipment in fire prevention. » Read more...

Mid-Atlantic Logging & Biomass Expo

September 15-16, 2017
Location: Selma-Smithfield, N.C.
» Learn More