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Ontario creates $25.8M fund to support green technologies

The Ontario government is starting a fund to support the creation and commercialization of green technologies.

Fire breaks out in Pacific Bioenergy pellet silo

Workers at Pacific Bioenergy's pellet facility in Prince George, B.C., are salvaging wood pellets after a small fire broke out in one of the silos.

Equipment spotlight: Dryers

Canadian Biomass has a rundown of the newest drying technology available for the wood pellet industry.

Haida community installs 720-kW biomass boiler

Old Massett, a remote Haida Nation community, is heating its buildings, including the band office, community hall, health centre and school with a 720-kw boiler.

Whitecourt biomass power facility undergoes $14.3M refurbishment

Whitecourt Power is investing $14.3 million into the refurbishment of its biomass power facility that has been turning wood waste into electricity for more than 20 years.
Featured News 
Feature 1

Coal no more: Pushing for biomass conversion

Transitioning away from coal was the main theme of Day 1 during this year’s Wood Pellet Association of Canada conference in Ottawa last week. Speakers discussed strategies to reduce GHG emissions and make bioenergy more widespread across Canada. » Read more...
Featured News

China is getting serious about biomass power

In June Vaughan Bassett travelled to Beijing to attend a two-day biomass co-firing workshop and to promote Canadian wood pellets. He shares his insights into the Chinese market for wood pellets. » Read more...

SPARK 2017

November 6-8, 2017
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7th Annual European Biomass to Power Conference

November 8-9, 2017
Location: Aarhus, Denmark
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