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September 30, 2019

WPAC progresses biomass boiler certification project

The Wood Pellet Association of Canada has been working to get European biomass boiler standards accepted in Canada in order to grow the domestic pellet market. The association has taken several steps forward towards that goal in the past few months.

Biomass North cancels 2019 forum citing ‘political uncertainty’

“With the political uncertainty of the pre-writ period federally, we could not get concrete confirmation about the attendance of key political and administrative staff,” said Biomass North Development Centre’s executive director Dawn Lambe.

Proposed CFS regulations overlook solid biofuels: WPAC

“Upon review of ECCC’s proposed regulatory approach, WPAC is seriously concerned that the government will not allow end-use fuel switching in the buildings/stationary fuel use sector,” writes Wood Pellet Association of Canada executive director Gordon Murray

Chilcotin fibre recovery project finding new markets for pulp logs

A Forest Enhancement Society of B.C. (FESBC) funded fibre recovery project in the Chilcotin region of B.C. is increasing utilization of forest fibre by 20 per cent and opening up new markets for forest fibre that would normally be left behind.

North American wood fibre costs decline in 2019: WRQ

Wood fibre costs fell in most regions of North America during the first six months of 2019, with the biggest declines in Western Canada and the U.S. Northwest, according to the latest North American Wood Fiber Review.
Sponsored Spotlight 
West Salem

WSM’s Super Shredder

WSM’s Super Shredder sets a new standard in high volume biomass fiber preparation. Bigger, Stronger, and Faster – with a massive 48” diameter hammer circle and throat openings from 60” to 88” wide and operating with up to 1000 HP. Field proven for converting high volumes of pre-processed biomass (including wood chips, hogged wood, and shredded fiber materials) into a consistently sized fiber for use in pellet production, biomass power, co-firing, mulch/bedding, compost, and other value-added fiber products. WSM Super Shredders are just part of WSM’s complete line of biomass processing equipment and systems, including metering, conveying, screening, cleaning, and grinding/milling equipment. >> Learn more
Featured News 
WPAC conference

WPAC conference identifies opportunities, challenges to growing pellet industry

Canada’s pellet sector is poised to significantly contribute to the global low-carbon economy. But, as speakers at last week’s WPAC conference reminded us, there are several uncertainties that will dictate the growth of the pellet sector in the years to come. » Read more...
Ouje Bougoumou

CSA publishes first Canadian guide for wood chip fuel

“The guide aims to build confidence in an emerging market by linking players in the wood chip fuel supply chain and to become a communication tool by bringing common terminology and language to the marketplace,” writes NRCan’s Sebnem Madrali and CSA’s Jaime Fernandez. » Read more...

Lignofuels Americas

October 30-31, 2019
Location: Omaha, Nebraska
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Scaling Up 2019

November 4-7, 2019
Location: Ottawa
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