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news: SO₂ emitters beware — there's no escaping NASA's eyes

Province gives Metrolinx $150-million for planning and design studies

The preferred route for the Toronto subway downtown relief line has been selected and looks like it will be dug directly below houses. Funding for 30-kilometre expansion of Ottawa LRT announced the same week. » Read full article

Municipalities to be given more say on infrastructure projects, says Trudeau

At the Federation of Canadian Municipalities' Annual Conference in Winnipeg, the Prime Minister told the delegates, "We're leaving the project selection to the experts: you." Cities hope it will speed projects along. » Read full article

Ontario engineers "fed up" with province ignoring them

The Ontario Society of Professional Engineers (OSPE) has written an open letter to Premier Kathleen Wynne arguing that the province needs to consult with engineers if it wants to avoid energy problems, for example the oversupply from the government's boost of renewables. » Read full article
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SO₂ emitters beware — there's no escaping NASA's eyes

Scientists at Environment and Climate Change Canada who have been tracking emissions of sulphur dioxide made unsettling discoveries about unreported emissions around the world. »read more

Vancouver buildings win Petal Certification from Living Building Challenge

The Vancouver VanDusen Botanical Garden Visitors Centre and the SFU UniverCity Childcare Centre in Burnaby, B.C. are two of only three buildings in Canada to achieve the challenging international certification. It puts them among some of the "most innovative" green buildings in the world. »read more

Blackfriars Bridge and Egerton Sewer designated as Canadian National Historic Civil Engineering Sites

On June 3 in London, Ontario the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE/SCGC) designated two unique and remarkable pieces of infrastructure that are more than 100 years old and still serve the city well. »read more
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ASHRAE Annual Conference

June 25 - 29, 2016
Location: St. Louis, Missouri » more info