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ECC/Quantum Murray awarded $98M Port Hope Area Initiative contract

The contract includes the construction of three storage cells designed to safely isolate low-level radioactive waste and complete infrastructure for area remediation.

Alberta twinning Hwy 15 bridge between Edmonton and Fort Sask.

Funding for the initiative was allocated in Budget 2017 and design will commence this summer.

RFQ released for 97-km highway in Northwest Territories

The proposal is a two-lane all-season gravel road with culverts and/or double-lane bridges over water crossings as necessary.

CEA celebrates 2017 Award Winners at Gala

From a record number of 56 project entries, a total of 15 Awards of Excellence and 13 Awards of Merit were handed out. » Read more

Ryerson U. undergrads win top ASHRAE Award

Three Canadian schools won awards: École de Technologie Supérieure, Montreal; Ryerson University, Toronto; and the University of Windsor. » Read more

Tim Yamashita joins Cando Rail Services as VP Engineering

Yamashita is a professional engineer with almost 30 years of experience working in the rail industry for Canadian Pacific. » Read more