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Simplex Grinnel

Launch of a new global standard for costing infrastructure projects

The launch of the ICMSC Standard "Global Consistency in Presenting Construction Costs" marks the culmination of two years of collaboration.

UBC Study: trees can make or break city weather

Removing all the trees around buildings drove up the building’s energy consumption by as much as 10% in winter and 15% in summer.

Ottawa’s Confederation Line LRT tunnel shortlisted for ITA Tunnelling Awards in Paris

The awards will be presented on November 15 at a special ITA Tunnelling Awards ceremony held during the global AFTES Congress in Paris, November 13-16.

Entuitive opens office in Vancouver

The leadership team in Vancouver includes Mike Lembke and Julien Fagnan. » Read more

Nova Scotia’s Hwy 103 upgrades receive $140M in government funding

The work involves twinning two stretches of road and the construction of new bridge structures. » Read more

Hatch U.S. adds Elliot “Lee” Sander as managing director, transportation

Sander is the former executive director and CEO of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) and the commissioner of the New York City Department of Transportation. » Read more

National Concrete Masonry Assoc. Mid-Year Meeting

August 21-24, 2017
Location: Westin Harbour Castle Hotel, Toronto
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2017 SmartGrid Canada Conference

September 11-13, 2017
Location: Chelsea Hotel, Toronto
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Canadian Healthcare Engineering Society – National Conference

September 17-19, 2017
Location: Canadian Healthcare Engineering Society – National Conference
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