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RJC Engineers tops Canstruction Toronto Event

With 19 entries, this year 52,165 pounds of non-perishable food was donated to the Daily Bread Food Bank.

Infrastructure support for the Port of Vancouver

The federal government has announced a major investment of $55.8 million for four projects led by the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority.

Canada launches new fund to support environmental infrastructure

The Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund will support large-scale infrastructure projects with a minimum cost of $20 million like diversion channels, wetland restorations, wildfire barriers and setback levees.

Transport Canada spending $35M on Nunavut airports

Projects involve the design and construction of high efficiency building systems at northern airports to reduce the carbon footprint of the operations. » Read more

Edmonton library receives additional government funding

The total cost of the Stanley A. Milner Library renovation is $84.5 million. » Read more

Canada investing in next-gen Smart Grid tech research

The goal of the project is to develop and implement technology to integrate new sources of clean energy without compromising the stability and reliability of our grids. » Read more

Energy Summit 2018

May 30-31, 2018
Location: Universal Event Space, Vaughan, Ont.
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2018 Tall+Urban Innovation: CTBUH Awards

May 30-31, 2018
Location: Radisson Blu Hotel, Chicago
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ACEC-BC: Young Professionals Conference

May 31- June 1, 2018
Location: Sutton Place Hotel, Vancouver
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AEC NEXT Technology Expo & Conference

June 5 -7, 2018
Location: Anaheim Convention Center
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Building Lasting Change 2018

June 5-7, 2018
Location: Beanfield Centre, Toronto
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