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Funding Announced for Yukon Water and Solar Projects

In total over $16 million combined from the federal and community governments will be used for three infrastructure projects across the Territory.

Vancouver Transit secures $3B in Government Funding

The Broadway Subway project with 5km of underground travel and the 10.5km Surrey LRT project will now move forward to the procurement stages.

Manitoba Partnering with Private Sector in Downtown Winnipeg Development

Up to $11.95 million in tax increment financing (TIF) will be provided to support the development of the True North Square public plaza, an area that will include green space, a water feature and programmable space.
Sponsored Spotlight 
Schneider - SS1

Smart Buildings, the Internet of Things (IoT) and Employee Productivity

Keeping current with the latest building technology allows building owners and operators to reduce operational and energy costs but more importantly, improve occupant comfort and staff productivity. Employee productivity (the People Cost) is 10x to 40x more than the cost of maintenance and operations. The Customer/Tenant experience is critical in some segments like Hotels and rental properties. Guest room problems in Hotels represent 42% of complaints & decrease loyalty by 11.6%. Tenant complaints leads to lower rental rates or worse, empty offices. This white paper discusses how the IoT and Smart Buildings can improve employee productivity, customer and tenant experience while saving energy. » Download the white paper here

Excellence will be Recognized at the Ontario Professional Engineers Awards Gala

This year's Gala will honour 11 engineers with awards while also celebrating diversity and inclusion in the engineering profession. » Read more

Call for Entries: Ontario Consulting Engineering Awards

The entry process for the 17th annual Awards opens September 19, with the deadline for Notices of Intent being October 12. » Read more

Renewable Fuel

The City of Toronto is launching a project to transform organic waste biogas into fuel that can power its collection trucks. » Read more

2018 Canadian Building Envelope Technology Symposium

September 13-14, 2018
Location: Hilton Mississauga/Meadowvale
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Consulting Engineers of Ontario: AGM & Golf Tournament

September 14, 2018
Location: Blue Springs Golf Club, Acton
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CanBIM Regional Session – Toronto

September 19-20
Location: Toronto
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ACEC National Leadership Conference 2018

October 21-23, 2018
Location: Delta Ottawa City Centre
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