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FEATURED NEWS: Command, control, communication
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Funeral to be held for Ontario firefighter

Fire chiefs within the local mutual aid area are reaching out to the Loyalist Fire department in Ontario that lost a firefighter to fatal injuries sustained at an apartment fire on the weekend. >> Read full article

Quebec firefighter dies battling forest fire

A forest firefighter based in Roberval, Que., died while fighting a blaze in the Chibougamau region Sunday afternoon. Régis Tremblay, 61, was at the scene of a blaze when he collapsed. >> Read full article

Safety advocates predict more destructive wildfires

Despite recent major wildfires in two Alberta communities, experts say Canadians aren’t paying enough attention to protecting forested communities from fire. >> Read full article

 Sponsor’s Message 

Order your FPW items now

Spread the word about smoke alarm safety and maintenance with this year’s Fire Prevention Week theme: Don’t wait – check the date! Replace smoke alarms every 10 years. Stock up on favourite items such as banners, fire hats, stickers, brochures, posters, colouring and activity books and more at the Firehall Bookstore. >> Learn More

 Featured News 
Feature news

Command, control, communication

County of Grande Prairie Deputy Chief Dan Verdun worked in planning in the regional emergency operations centre in Fort McMurray, Alta., during the wildfire in May, alongside local authorities and members of CAN-TF2. Co-operation, Verdun writes, is necessary to ensure a smooth response. >> Learn More…

 Sponsor's Message 
FFIC This Week

Fire TV: Fort McMurray firefighters screened for health issues

Fire Fighting in Canada This Week Niche TV host Tamar Atik hears from Fort McMurray Fire Department Captain Nick Waddington about firefighters being screened for health problems; a Yukon Fire Marshal's Office inspection is in question following conflicting reports; and editor Laura King reports from the Maritime Fire Chiefs Association annual conference in Nova Scotia. >> Learn More


Stubborn fire damages British Columbia sawmill

Port Moody firefighters, assisted by Coquitlam firefighters and Vancouver Fire and Rescue Service’s fireboat, spent more than five hours Monday battling a fire at the Flavelle Cedar Mill. >> Read full article

Riot at youth detention centre causes fires

Windows were broken, equipment was smashed and fires were started during a riot that erupted at the Burnaby, B.C., youth detention centre Tuesday evening. >> Read full article

Halifax Fire's drone plan receives approval

Halifax Regional Fire and Emergency’s plan to add two drones to its stock of emergency gear was approved by the city’s audit and finance committee yesterday. >> Read full article

 Event Calendar 

Fire Fighters’ Association of Ontario convention and trade show

July 25-Aug. 1, 2016
Location: Wainfleet, Ont. >> More Info

Association of Yukon Fire Chiefs annual conference

Aug. 17-20
Location: Dawson City >> More Info

Ontario Association of Fire Chiefs FireCon

Sept. 8-10, 2016
Location: Thunder Bay, Ont. >> More Info

Canadian Volunteer Fire Services Association AGM and educational seminar

Sept. 10, 2016
Location: Ottawa >> More Info