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Union accuses councillor of conflict of interest

The Sudbury firefighters association is accusing a city councillor of conflict of interest and calling for him to resign as chair of the emergency services committee. >> Read full article

Cranbrook, firefighters reach new agreement

The City of Cranbrook, B.C., has reached a new collective agreement with its firefighters union. >> Read full article

Forest fires consume Nova Scotia firefighting budget

Nova Scotia’s firefighting budget is up in smoke due to the worst wildfires in years. Spending is already three times the 2016 provincial firefighting allocation. >> Read full article

 Sponsor’s Message 

Tired of drilling holes in your apparatus?

The new EZ-MOUNT Adhesive Fastening System from Zico is a high-strength alternative to drilling, tapping, and welding. The patented system provides as much as 2,700 pounds of tensile strength in just 20 to 30 minutes – enough to lift a boat engine. EZ-MOUNT allows for clean installation without exposing your core to moisture and leaks, eliminates the risk of accidental drilling damage, can be mounted in trickier locations, and is easy to use without costly specialized labor. Try a starter kit today, then re-order only the parts you need. Great for equipment mounts, light bars, wiring harnesses, and more! >> Learn More

 Featured News 
FFIC This Week

Fire TV

Niche TV host Tamar Atik reports on the B.C. Wildfire Service’s program to include the use of drones; and the containment of wildfires in Nova Scotia. Plus, columnist Shayne Mintz explains why standards should be developed for the wildland-urban interface. >> Learn More…

 Sponsor’s Message 
Firehall Bookstore

Fourth edition of Gasoline Tank Truck Emergencies now available

Gasoline Tank Truck Emergencies, Fourth Edition, is designed to provide public-safety and industry emergency-response personnel with the background information, general procedures, and response guidelines to be followed when operating at an incident involving MC/306/DOT 406 cargo tank trucks. >> Learn More


Saint John fire leaves five homeless

Five people are seeking temporary housing after a fire on Tuesday evening on Saint John's east side. >> Read full article

Lightening sparks several fires in B.C.

The B.C. Wildfire Service’s list of spot fires is growing as continuous daytime heat causes several lightning strikes in local forests. >> Read full article

Alberta to review firefighter pilot training

The Transportation Safety Board has found that the Alberta company that employed a pilot who died while fighting a fire, did not offer formal training on fire behaviour or potential weather hazards around a fire. >> Read full article

 Event Calendar 

Ontario Association of Fire Chiefs FireCon

Sept. 8-10, 2016
Location: Thunder Bay, Ont. >> More Info

Canadian Volunteer Fire Services Association AGM and educational seminar

Sept. 10, 2016
Location: Ottawa >> More Info

Canadian Fallen Firefighters Foundation memorial service

Sept. 11, 2016
Location: Ottawa >> More Info