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FEATURED NEWS: Editor’s blog
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Firefighters charged with multiple counts of arson

Two volunteer firefighters have been charged with setting fires in abandoned buildings, in vehicles and in fields in Cape Breton. The fire chief in Florence, N.S., says both firefighters responded to most of the calls and are good firefighters. Police Chief Peter McIsaac said the firefighters’ motivation may have been to create a “hero image” and experience the thrill of fighting the fires. >> Read full article

Municipality invokes retirement clause for chief

The chief of the Port Hope Fire Department in Ontario was requested to retire immediately last Tuesday afternoon by council. >> Read full article

Firefighter pay on agenda for mayors meeting

Should a firefighter in Prince George or Penticton receive the same annual raise as a firefighter in Vancouver or Delta? That's at the heart of a resolution that will be debated next month at the Union of British Columbia Municipalities convention. >> Read full article

 Sponsor’s Message 
The Personal

Are you missing out on additional savings?

While automatically renewing your existing home and auto insurance may seem like the easiest route to take, keep in mind that insurance premiums vary between insurers and each year.

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  • Up to 15% Multi-Vehicle Discount1
    Insure more than one vehicle and save up to 15% on each vehicle’s premium
  • Up to 15% Security Systems Savings
    You could save up to 15% if your home is monitored by a central alarm system
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Certain conditions, limitations and exclusions may apply. Savings and discounts are subject to eligibility conditions, may vary by province and may not apply to all optional coverages. Auto Insurance is not available in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and British Columbia due to government-run plans.
The Personal refers to The Personal General Insurance Inc. in Quebec and The Personal Insurance Company in all other provinces and territories.
1 Multi-vehicle Discount is up to 15% in ON, NB, AB, NT, NU and YT and up to 10% in NS, PE and NL.

>> Learn More

 Featured News 
Laura King

Editor’s blog

If you haven’t been following, the Ontario Professional Fire Fighters Association is upset about a plan in Sault Ste. Marie to reduce the number of front-line, municipal firefighters by 20 over three years, through attrition, and increase the number of paramedics, given the volume of medical calls. As Laura King writes, the issue is provoking plenty of commentary. >> Learn More…

 Sponsor’s Message 
Firehall Bookstore

Fire and EMS Officer Field Guide, Second Edition

Whether you are a fire or EMS officer, the Fire and EMS Officer Field Guide, Second Edition will prove to be an essential tool throughout your career. This guide meets the 2015 CPR/ECC Guidelines and is in an easy-to-use checklist format. At only three inches by five inches, this guide fits in your pocket, is waterproof, alcohol-fast, and street tough. >> Learn More


Come and train with us – for free!

Want to train – absolutely free? Join us in Mississauga, Ont., on Sept. 17 for a full day of training – at no cost. Bring your gear for HOT sessions, your friends and your desire to learn. Sign up now for aircraft rescue fire fighting, auto ex, firefighter survival or patient packaging and triage. Or try our new managing-the-media program, our leadership and succession planning course, or our public education programming session – all are extremely relevant to today’s firefighters, and open to members of all departments. Volunteers and career firefighters are welcome. Talk to your chief, bring your department friends! Sign up now – it’s free! >> Read full article

Thieves steal thousands of dollars from fire department fundraiser

Members of the Steinbach Fire Department are in disbelief after thousands of dollars was stolen from their summer fundraiser. >> Read full article

Additional sprinklers recommended for exterior-driven structure fires

In this week’s episode of Fire Fighting in Canada This Week editor Laura King talks to Surrey Fire Chief Len Garis about the growing incidence of fires that start on the outside of multi-unit dwellings, reports on the rescue of several residents form a Montreal apartment building, and updates the status of wildfires in British Columbia. >> Read full article

 Event Calendar 

Ontario Association of Fire Chiefs FireCon

Sept. 8-10, 2016
Location: Thunder Bay, Ont. >> More Info

Canadian Volunteer Fire Services Association AGM and educational seminar

Sept. 10, 2016
Location: Ottawa >> More Info

Canadian Fallen Firefighters Foundation memorial service

Sept. 11, 2016
Location: Ottawa >> More Info

Ontario Association of Fire Chiefs occupational health and safety training workshop

Sept. 14-15, 2016
Location Toronto >> More Info