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FEATURED NEWS: Editor’s blog
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New trial for B.C. chief accused of assault

The British Columbia Court of Appeal has ordered a new trial on sexual assault charges for a former fire chief, ruling that the actions of the trial judge could be perceived as being unfair. >> Read full article

Union denied chance to address council

An attempt by the union representing London’s firefighters to discuss the now six-year long labour dispute with council, has been denied. The arbitration between the two parties is believed to be the longest contract dispute in Canadian firefighter history. >> Read full article

Housing cut for B.C. Rapattack base

British Columbia will no longer provide food and shelter for specialized firefighters at the Rapattack base in Salmon Arm, the only Rapattack base in the province. Mayor Nancy Cooper is concerned that without adequate housing, firefighters may need to seek rental accommodations. >> Read full article

 Sponsor’s Message 

Get your FREE TRIAL of IamResponding now!

Dispatches to your phones, mapping, reporting and so much more! IamResponding is the original, most reliable and most complete responder tracking system available. Used by 5,500+ departments, IaR is a complete system, providing more features, more functions, more redundant communications, more benefits, and more value than any other responder tracking product. IaR's unmatched reliability has been real-world proven for a decade, processing millions of calls and dispatches, and delivering more than 250 million messages to our subscribers. Try your FREE 60-day trial today to see how much IaR can do for you! >> Learn More

 Featured News 
Laura King

Editor’s blog

On Friday, the Ontario government provided an update on the recommendations from the Elliot Lake inquiry. As Laura King writes, the document is brief, and rather vague. >> Learn More…

 Sponsor’s Message 
Firehall Bookstore

Basics aren’t enough

Join Leigh Hollins as he explains the likelihood of school bus disasters, and guides you through the complex challenges you’ll encounter on the scene of such accidents in the 40 minute School Bus Extrication DVD.

School buses today come in a variety of sizes, and are used by everyone from church groups to river rafting outfits. These buses are on the road every day of the week, every hour of the day.

Responders who may be well trained and experienced at car and light truck extrication techniques will be confronted with a much different challenge at a school bus incident. >> Learn More


Two-hatters are being forced to make a choice

Full time firefighters in Caledon, Ont., are being told to give up their volunteer fire positions or face consequences from their union. >> Read full article

Fire Fighting in Canada This Week

Host Tamar Atik reports on the rescue of a Toronto firefighter, the effects of Hurricane Matthew in Cape Breton Island, and also some ways departments across Canada are having a bit of fun with this year’s Don’t Wait — Check the Date theme for Fire Prevention Week. >> Read full article

Brandon firefighters pay to increase

Firefighters and paramedics in Brandon, Man., will see their pay rise by more than 18 per cent over the next six years. However the deal has raised mixed concerns from city council members. >> Read full article

 Event Calendar 

Cariboo Regional District annual fire chiefs workshop and tradeshow

October 21-22, 2016
Location: Williams Lake, B.C. >> More Info

2016 Firefighter Career Expo

Oct. 22, 2016
Location: Mississauga, Ont. >> More Info

Southwestern Ontario Fire Trade Show

Oct. 26, 2016
Location: Leamington, Ont. >> More Info

IAFC: VCOS Symposium in the Sun

Nov. 10-13, 2016
Location: Clearwater Beach, Fla. >> More Info