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Additional charges laid against Kingsville fire chief

Kingsville fire chief Bob Kissner — already accused of sex offences involving a minor — is facing additional charges, involving three more underage victims, say Ontario Provincial Police.

Toronto firefighter charged with breaking into station

The crew hurried out of their North York station one day in August after receiving a call about a fire at a nearby building. The firefighters quickly arrived at the site of the call, only to find out it had been a hoax. There was no fire in the building. When they returned to the station, they discovered they were missing cellphones, watches, jewelry, credit cards and iPads. The culprit? One of their own colleagues, police say.

Firefighters union challenges 911 service relocation

The Fort St. John Professional Fire Fighters Association is upset 911 calls from the Peace River region in northeast British Columbia will soon be answered at offices in Vancouver and Vancouver Island, more than 1,000 kilometres away. The union says knowledge of the area is important.

City of London, firefighters resume lengthy arbitration hearings

Arbitration hearings resumed Tuesday between city hall and London firefighters. The city wants to outsource fire dispatch and change the way firefighters are paid, making other employee groups ¬– such as outside workers – the comparator, rather than police. Hearings dates are scheduled through January 2018. The union says it has already spend $1.2 million for lawyers and expert witnesses.
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Firehall Bookstore

New guide for training officers runs the gamut

In order to be an effective educator within a modern fire department, training officers require knowledge and skills that often exceed what they have learned in their formalized training. The Training Officers Desk Reference goes beyond traditional fire instructor training standards and requirements to teach readers how to adapt by incorporating new ideas, training drills, and alternative learning methods. Authored by a team of expert fire-service educators, this essential manual will assist readers in becoming dynamic, effective training officers in the classroom, on the training grounds, and beyond. >> Learn More
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On scene blog

Start from the beginning

In the January issue of Canadian Firefighter, new auto extrication writer Chad Roberts emphasizes the importance of practice, practice, practice, even for veteran responders. Roberts is a member of the Oakville Fire Department’s auto-ex team and works on a rescue out of Station 7; his insight and expertise will help firefighters from coast to coast tackle new technology, keep up to date on tools, and focus on best practices. » Read more...

Firefighter hurt in explosion returns to work

Even as he lay on a hospital bed, unable to move his arms and legs, Tim Casarin knew he would one day return to the job he loved. The Mississauga, Ont., firefighter had survived a warehouse explosion that caused a cinder-block wall to collapse on top of him, shattering bones in his pelvis, legs, neck, face and skull. He had been found at the scene with no vital signs. » Read more...

Ottawa firefighters raise concerns over radio-system transition

Ottawa firefighters are “between a rock and a hard place” when it comes to transitioning from an outdated radio system to a precarious new one, their union’s health and safety chair says. » Read more...

Space heaters, lack of smoke alarms, killed toddler

Space heaters caused a fire that killed a sleeping toddler and injured her twin sister, older brother and mother, fire officials say. The home also did not have working smoke alarms, said Vancouver Fire Chief John McKearney. » Read more...

Safety forum

Jan. 16-20, 2017
Location: Orlando, FL » Learn More

Firehouse World

Feb. 5-9, 2017
Location: San Diego, CA » Learn More