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Study says Fort McMurray firefighters face respiratory issues

A new study suggests that one in five firefighters who battled the massive wildfire in Fort McMurray, Alta., last year reported respiratory problems. The study analyzed health records of 355 firefighters between six weeks and four months after the fire.

Winnipeg to expand safety inspections

A Winnipeg civic committee endorsed a proposed new fire prevention bylaw that imposes mandatory fire safety inspection standards for food-truck vendors and illegal rooming houses on Tuesday.

Montreal fire crews find marijuana grow-op at blaze

Montreal police have launched an investigation into a marijuana grow op discovered by firefighters Thursday, after a fire broke out in a St. Michel area apartment building.

London, firefighters reach tentative deal

A tentative deal has been reached between London, Ont., firefighters and the city hall, potentially ending the longest contract dispute in Canadian firefighting history.
Sponsor's Message 

PTSD: A Journey of Recovery

On May 2, Natalie Harris, Advanced Care Paramedic, will share her journey through post traumatic stress disorder, addiction and suicide attempts after being one of the main paramedics at a double murder call in 2012 in Barrie, Ont., where two women were killed as part of a satanic cult ritual, and the murderer was her patient. Natalie will discuss post traumatic growth and its impact on law enforcement personnel.

Natalie’s new book “Save-My-Life School; A First Responders Mental Health Journey” will be available to purchase following her session at the Blue Line Expo.
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Feature News

Front seat

As firefighters, our job revolves around helping people in worst-case scenarios. Columnist Jason Clark reminds us to be thankful when things go better than planned... even if its's just your morning cup of coffee. » Read more...
Feature News

Managing the message

We have our pumpers and PPE, but fire departments often overlook social media as a useful safety tool. In a Q&A with editor Laura King, Toronto Fire Services Acting Chief Matt Pegg explains how he used Twitter to update the public in 140 characters or less. » Read more...
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Updated guide focuses on origin and cause

If your job involves investigating fires and explosions, then you need the latest edition of NFPA 921: Guide For Fire & Explosion Investigations.

Revised and updated for 2017, this document is the premier source for rendering scientific based opinions on origin and cause investigations along with incident responsibility. >> Learn More

Fire Department Instructors Conference

April 24-29, 2017
Location: Indianapolis, Ind.
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Northern H.E.A.T conference

May 3-6, 2017
Location: Peace River, Alta.
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