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May 9, 2019

Longest serving Inuvik volunteer firefighter receives national award

David Bernhardt, volunteer firefighter from Inuvik, N.W.T., was awarded the Canadian Volunteer Fire Services Municipal Long Service award, which recognizes achievements of long-serving volunteer firefighters in communities across the nation.

Victoria firefighter rescues cougar from tree

There's an old stereotype about firefighters rescuing cats from trees. But Trevor Partlo never imagined he'd get the call to haul a tranquilized cougar out of a tree a short distance away from downtown Victoria.

New Fire Fighting in Canada podcast on cannabis fire safety

Associate editor Jayson Koblun spoke with Shayne Mintz, the Canadian regional director of the NFPA, about several ways the legalization of cannabis in Canada will challenge the fire industry in Fire Fighting in Canada’s podcast that launched this week!
Sponsors Message 
Firehall Bookstore

House Fires

Examine and practice what must be done for you to determine how best to develop your strategy and tactics at your most important alarm – the house fire.

Features and Benefits:
    •   Interactive scenarios based on fireground experience to help develop your fireground decision making.
    •   Compilation of the best strategy and tactics for house fires from many experienced fire service experts.
    •   Firefighters: critical information, insight, and understanding of strategies you will be expected to execute on the fireground including size up, search/rescue, fire attack, ventilation, and engine and truck operations.
    •   Fire officers: scenario-based practical application of traditional and modern approaches to house fires.
    •   Students of fire suppression: a comprehensive text including the latest research on our most important alarm.
>> Order now!
Between Alarms

Between Alarms: 13 ways to kill your fire department

Fire Chief Arjuna George shared in his April Between Alarms column 13 ways to kill your fire department. He says these 13 points are his top areas that, if ignored, will aid in the collapse or dysfunction of any fire service. » Learn more
Taste test

Recipe Rescue: The principles of taste

Are you an adventurous free spirit with bold taste buds ready to experiment with any ingredient? Or are you lacking confidence when it comes to food? These are questions chef and acting captain Patrick Mathieu asked in his latest Recipe Rescue column. Mathieu says whether you are on one end of the scale or the other, understanding what we know can help you become a more accomplished and confident cook. » Learn more

Firefighters threatened with axe stolen from fire truck

Winnipeg police said a man has been arrested following an incident on Sunday where an axe stolen from a fire truck was used to threaten firefighters. » Read more

Massive fire at Toronto high school eases

The last of the smoke is finally dissipating more than 24 hours after a massive fire broke out at York Memorial Collegiate Institute in Toronto. » Read more

Vancouver firefighters douse three-alarm blaze

A building was damaged after a fire broke out in Vancouver's Chinatown neighbourhood early Tuesday morning. » Read more

BCFTOA Conference

May 25 to 30, 2019
Location: Nelson, B.C.
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AFCA Conference and Trade Show

May 26 to 29, 2019
Location: Red Deer, Alta.
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BC Fire Expo and FCABC Education Summit

June 2 to 3 , 2019
Location: Penticton, B.C.
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OAFC FireCon

Sept. 5 to 7, 2019
Location: Thunder Bay, Ont.
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