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B.C. looks to hire firefighters from defunct Alberta Wildland Firefighter Rappel Program

An email from the B.C. Wildfire Service has been making the rounds through the inboxes of a group of highly trained and experienced firefighters in Alberta. It invites these firefighters to consider applying for work in B.C.

Firefighters call on Richmond, Ont., council for new hires

Richmond Hill professional firefighters are urging council to increase the budget for the fire department to meet dire staffing needs as the city aims to keep the tax hike low with no new jobs in 2020.

Daryl Kretzschmar, owner of PPE Solutions, passed away suddenly at 58

The team at Fire Fighting in Canada and Canadian Firefighter would like to our express our sadness and condolences in the death of Daryl Kretzschmar, ardent supporter of the fire service and of ours.
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Firehall Bookstore

Training Officer’s Desk Reference

A must have for every fire department training officer!

In order to be an effective educator within a modern fire department, training officers require knowledge and skills that often exceed what they have learned in their formalized training.

The Training Officers Desk Reference goes beyond traditional fire instructor training standards and requirements to teach readers how to adapt by incorporating new ideas, training drills, and alternative learning methods.

Authored by a team of expert fire service educators, this essential manual will assist readers in becoming dynamic, effective training officers in the classroom, on the training grounds, and beyond. >> Order now
Jennifer Grigg

Dispatches: Learning body language

Being aware of your own body language and understanding how to read others is another tool to add to your tactical toolbox, a tool for interpersonal interactions and effective communication. By Jennifer Grigg » Learn more
Big goals

Front seat: Fixing small problems helps achieve big goals

With a new year upon us, many people take the time to reflect on resolutions and how we can better ourselves. We start to think of the obstacles and tend to focus on the things that can keep us from accomplishing our goals. Most great firefighters are making resolutions not just every year, but after every training and more importantly, after every call they respond to. By Jason Clark » Learn more

Officials investigating spate of suspicious fires in Halifax

Police and fire officials say that while there have been a number of fires in the south end of Halifax and at one building in particular over the past number of months, they can’t say yet that they are connected. There have been at least 11 fires in a roughly half-kilometre area since March 2018, with seven of those happening since last summer. Most have occurred in multi-unit residential buildings or on their grounds. » Read more

Arson suspected in fire at Nanaimo, B.C., shopping centre

An investigation into a fire at Woodgrove Centre in north Nanaimo, B.C., has been turned over to police. Nanaimo Fire Rescue firefighters responded at about 1:30 a.m. Monday, Jan. 13, after a fire ignited in recyclables in a storage and maintenance area of the shopping centre. » Read more

London, Ont., house fire causes $500,000 in damage

No one was hurt in a Monday night fire that caused more than $500,000 in damages to a home in north London, fire officials say. » Read more

Lambton County Firefighters’ Fire Trade Show

Jan. 25, 2020
Location: Point Edward, Ont.
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Hicks Morley Labour Relations Seminar

Jan. 29-30, 2020
Location: Toronto, Ont.
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Firehouse World 2020

Feb. 24-27. 2020
Location: Las Vegas, Nev.
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