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Ontario expands eligibility for COVID-19 testing to include pregnant people, first responders and unvaccinated seniors

The province of Ontario widened access to free PCR COVID-19 testing last week, making eligible pregnant people, select unvaccinated adults over the age of 70, and first responders.

Nishnawbe Aski Nation calling on Ottawa, Ontario to better fund fire services

An organization representing First Nations in northwestern Ontario is calling on the federal and provincial governments to provide better fire prevention and protection funding in Indigenous communities after three children died in a house fire.

Richmond’s firefighter vaccine mandate stays in place pending union challenge

Six of nine firefighters in Richmond, B.C., placed on unpaid leave because of the city’s vaccine mandate provided declarations recently to a labour arbitrator tasked with determining if the rules should stay in place pending a union challenge.

Some flights cancelled due to staffing problems at St. John’s airport fire hall

Some flights at St. John’s International Airport have been cancelled after two-thirds of fire hall staff went on leave due to concerns about what they say is a toxic workplace.
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2500: Standard for Operations and Training for Technical Search and Rescue Incidents and Life Safety Rope and Equipment for Emergency Services

This new standard is a one-stop shop when it comes to better ensuring the safety of operations at technical search and rescue incidents. NFPA 2500, a consolidation made up of three former standards NFPA 1858, 1983, and 1670, includes a number of revisions to sections from all three of the documents from which it was created.

NFPA 2500 will ensure you meet the minimum requirements for conducting operations at technical search and rescue incidents; help ensure the correct design, performance, testing, and certification of life safety rope and equipment for emergency services; and enable you to properly select, care for, and maintain the rope and associated equipment for emergency services personnel. >> Order your copy today!
Current Issue 

Psychological PPE: The price of dysfunctional leadership

I deeply appreciate and share great leadership lessons when I find them, and some of those recent lessons came from a book I stumbled upon in a bookstore called “It’s Your Ship: Management Techniques from the Best Damn Ship in the Navy,” written by D. Michael Abrashoff, a navy captain. This book is a leadership manifesto of how to deliver high performance. It has everything to do with people, the work environment, and being a leader who does the right thing. By James Rychard » Learn more

From Hire to Retire: The retirement rollercoaster

I have had the extreme privilege to write for Canadian Firefighter magazine for over a decade now. My column “Between Alarms” brought me so much joy and satisfaction, but now it is time for a change. This new column will now be called “From Hire to Retire” and focus on career development, leadership, and nuggets on living a healthy life and career into retirement. I hope this new theme brings value to those pursuing the fire life, those on the road to retirement and all in between. By Arjuna George » Learn more

Extrication Tips: Pre-loading with Jason Defosse

So, what is our plan when we deal with the newer model vehicles that are quickly becoming regulars on our accident scenes? Sooner or later we have to go through the wall and not always around it. Ultra-high strength steel is becoming more prevalent all over new vehicles and we can’t simply turn a blind eye or revert to plan B. While trying many different approaches I found some success, but never consistent enough to truly make a solid conclusion on what worked best. It was until I met up and trained with one of our industry experts, Jason Defosse from Code4 Fire & Rescue, who showed me a tried and proven method for moving, cutting and manipulating these super metals. By Chad Roberts » Read more

Dispatches: Body language tips for public educators

You’ve likely heard the saying “actions speak louder than words”, but did you know that your body language is 12 to 13 times more powerful than what you say. You likely know how it feels when you get a weird vibe from someone and it’s often before they’ve even spoken. If they’ve said something that didn’t jive, you’ve likely picked up on something incongruent about what they’ve said and what their body language conveys. You don’t have to be a skilled body language reader to know something’s up. You do it subconsciously because it’s hardwired as a survival mechanism. By Jennifer Grigg » Read more

Taking stock of Canada’s volunteer fire service: the national census, recruitment and retention

From Canadian Firefighter’s sister publication, Fire Fighting in Canada’s newest podcast dives into the volunteer sector initiatives of the Canadian Association of Fire Chiefs (CAFC). Host and Hope, B.C.’s Fire Chief Tom DeSorcy talks to CAFC director and Answer the Committee chair Vince MacKenzie, fire chief for Grand Falls Windsor, N.L., about the story behind the Answer the Call committee, the Great Canadian Volunteer Census, and what the research says about the needs and future of Canada’s volunteer fire service. » Listen now

Fire Fighting in Canada Virtual Summit

Feb. 24, 12, 2022
Location: Virtual
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FDIC International

April 25-30, 2022
Location: Indianapolis, IN
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Security • Police • Fire Career Expo

May 10, 2022
Location: Universal EventSpace, Vaughan, ON
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