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Federal government invests $28.2M in mental health support for first responders

On Monday, PTSD Awareness Day, the Honourable Carolyn Bennett, Minister of Mental Health and Addictions and Associate Minister of Health, announced an investment of $28.2 million for nine projects to address PTSD and trauma in frontline and essential workers, and others whose mental health has been significantly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Red Deer fire truck off duty twice over weekend due to lack of available staff

In Alberta, one of Red Deer’s five fire trucks could not respond to emergencies Saturday and Sunday evening due to a lack of available staff.

British Columbians called 911 more than 2M times last year and more expected this year

In 2021, British Columbians dialled 911 more than two million times, with nine out of 10 of the busiest days for 911 emergency services being recorded in that year, the company said. In the last quarter of 2021, call volumes were up 22 per cent compared with the year prior.

Industrial fire in Cambridge prompts road closure

A section of Boxwood Drive in Cambridge, Ont., was closed Monday evening as crews responded to a fire at a food processing plant. The Cambridge Fire Department was called out to the incident around 5 p.m. in the area of Boxwood and Maple Grove Drive.
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Invest in your mental health and learn to support your peers

Simon Fraser University offers a specialized online program designed by first responders for first responders. Through the First Responders Trauma Prevention and Recovery Certificate program, you'll develop a resiliency toolkit to support yourself and your peers in the face of trauma.

For details, sign up for a free online program info session on July 14. » Learn more
Current Issue 

Extrication Tips: So many choices — Struts

When thinking about our compliment of auto ex tools and how we evaluate our needs, the one area that is often overlooked or undervalued is the stabilizing and/or lifting struts. While some may argue this is due to their somewhat limited use on our general extrication calls, with the advent of newer struts on the market, today’s strut combinations put that argument to bed very quickly. By Chad Roberts » Learn more

Psychological PPE: The miracle

There is a story inspired by the U.S. hockey team at the 1980 winter Olympics that stands out above many others. Regardless of what nation you belong to, this story and its outcome will always be remembered as the miracle on ice. BBy James R. Rychard » Learn more
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Fire Department Strategic Planning: Creating Future Excellence, 3rd

Designed to be effective as a manual to develop an individual fire department’s strategic plan as well as a textbook for use in courses, this 3rd edition provides support to fire departments that already have a strategic plan and just need to update and revise their existing plan.

A new chapter in this edition provides assistance to those departments having challenges with their strategic plan and obtaining the desired outcomes/results. It adds a new troubleshooting process for those departments having challenges to creating an effective and successful strategic plan.

» Order your copy today from Firehall Bookstore

Basement window exits

In many districts we find buildings in our first due with basements not fully underground. Not having the basement fully underground allows for builders to install windows for natural light in this space which can interpret to small windows with sill heights inside the basements anywhere from five to six feet and higher. By Nathan Pocock » Read more

You cannot pour from an empty cup

Let’s pause and chat a wee bit about self-care, shall we? Think back to the last time you boarded an airplane. What was the safety presentation’s number one guidance with respect to the use of oxygen masks? Apply your mask first before assisting others. This is the meaning behind the statement, “you cannot pour from an empty cup.” Fill your “cup” with energy, physical health, positive affirmations and strong mental resilience before you set out to help others. By Julia Long » Read more

In conversation with John McKearney

John McKearney, the fire chief in Whistler and president of the Canadian Association of Fire Chiefs, looks back on his time in the fire service, reflecting on the importance of paid-on-call firefighters working alongside careers, moving from the Vancouver department to a resort municipality, changing risks and vulnerabilities in small towns versus big cities, and the need for a national strategy on the interface threat of wildfires and flooding. » Listen now

Atlantic Fire Leadership Conference

July 7-9
Location: Halifax, N.S.
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FireCon 2022

Sept. 8-10
Location: Thunder Bay, Ont.
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Fire-Rescue Canada 2022

Sept. 11-14
Location: Ottawa
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