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The Fire Chiefs’ Association of BC is set to receive $1.75 million to create training hubs to enhance fire fighting skills, reduce travel time and costs, and strengthen public safety.
The Alberta government has asked for more funding to hire an extra 100 firefighters as it declared an early start to the 2024 wildfire season.
The OAFC and Hicks Morley Labour Relations Seminar drew a packed house from Jan. 23 to 25 in Toronto, and featured a full agenda including bargaining trends such as more twenty-four-hour shifts, increased funds for mental health support, and further seeking of police and fire parity.
Nearly $16 million has been invested in pumps, fire camp equipment, safety gear, and medical and hygiene equipment to provide broader response capabilities in British Columbia ahead of the 2024 wildfire season.
In May 2016, Fort McMurray, the hub of Canada's petroleum industry and America's biggest foreign supplier, was overrun by wildfire. The multi-billion-dollar disaster melted vehicles, turned entire neighborhoods into firebombs, and drove 88,000 people from their homes in a single afternoon. Through the lens of this apocalyptic conflagration—the wildfire equivalent of Hurricane Katrina—author John Vaillant warns that this was not a unique event but a shocking preview of what we must prepare for in a hotter, more flammable world.
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Complacency kills. That’s not hyperbole. If the door is always closed, if the rig and/or crew are never outside – aside from the occasional call or meeting at Station 1 – then the daily drills and training that are critical to be not just competent, but proficient, in this high-risk gig of ours, aren’t happening either. And that is dangerous. By Dave Robertson.
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Annually, the Yellowhead County Fire Department (YCFD) brings on two recent fire school graduates to participate in its one-year work experience program, which offers the opportunity to gain fire fighting experience that will move them towards a career position. By Shaylyn Thornton.
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The pressure and commitment of always being “on” creates a never-ending loop of things to do. The more we do, the more we add to our plate. We know that time is a constant, but we continue to pile tasks on. Is this really being productive or is it just an illusion? Is all this busyness really paying off? By Arjuna George.
I’m not here to try to convince you that your non-stick pans are going to kill you, though, based on some research, I wouldn’t assume they’re totally safe, either. There are very good reasons why we should all limit the number of non-stick pans we own and the frequency with which we use them. By Patrick Mathieu.
Toronto Fire Chief Matthew Pegg and Michael Landsberg, founder of Sick Not Weak, sat down with Ret. Fire Chief Tom DeSorcy to discuss the value of talking about mental health without shame, stigma, and the return on investment when leaders open up about mental wellbeing and resiliency.
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