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U.S. Lumber Coalition petition causes stir among Canadians

The U.S. Lumber Coalition is petitioning the American government for a possible re-writing of trade agreements with its neighbour to the north…

BC Lumber Trade Council speaks up on U.S. trade challenge

“The BC Lumber Trade Council will vigorously defend the industry against these new trade actions. While we are not surprised by the filing of the petitions…”

Alberta stands with forestry industry

“Although we are not surprised by the actions of the U.S. Lumber Coalition, we are deeply disappointed. Despite repeated investigation over more than three decades, the U.S. government’s countervailing action has not survived a legal challenge by Canada…”
Sponsor's Message 

Increase Grade, Recovery and Value with BioVision

Today, mills aren’t asking, “How can I make more lumber?" but instead, "How can I make more money at my current production level?" USNR's BioVision bolt-on upgrade is the quick payback answer you're looking for. With over 100 grade scanning systems sold globally, BioVision is proven to maximize value for higher grade boards and volume for lower grade flitches. Implementing grade optimization at the earliest point in the process dramatically improves your ability to recover the greatest value from your lumber. BioVision can be applied with a bolt-on upgrade to an existing transverse scanner, or as a new installation. >> Learn More
Featured News 

Community photos capture forest industry

There are more than 80 entries for the 2016 Forestry Photo Contest run by the Council of Forest Industries and media partner Canadian Forest Industries. Keep them coming! » Read more...

Buying into automation: How to make your mill run more efficiently

Automation in mills means more accuracy, fewer mistakes and, eventually, a large return on investment. That was a clear message touted at many booths at the Timber Processing & Energy Expo (TP&EE) in Portland, Ore., Sept. 28 to 30. » Read more...

Dream team: A family business in forestry

By building up new equipment and a solid succession plan, operator Bertrand Tremblay built a growing forestry company. » Read more...

Refining OSB

Tolko pressed its first board at its oriented strand board (OSB) mill in Meadow Lake, Sask., in the fall of 2003, and for the most part has been pressing boards 24 hours a day, seven days a week ever since. » Read more...

TLA Convention & Trade Show

January 18-20, 2017
Location: Vancouver, B.C. » >> Learn More

2017 BC Natural Resources Forum

January 31-February 2, 2017
Location: Prince George, B.C. » >>Learn More