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Preparing the next forestry generation one Carter at a time

Andrew Snook writes about the Carter family’s generations in the forest industry.

Indigenous rights and forestry conservation go hand-in-hand

The Forest Stewardship Council Canada strongly endorses the call for a chapter to be added to the proposed renegotiated NAFTA that recognizes the rights of Indigenous Peoples of North America.

Respecting First Nations' role in the forestry industry

The last decade in British Columbia has seen an incredible increase in the number of First Nations actively participating and engaging in the forest industry, not only as licensees but often as business owners and contractors.

Editorial: Celebrating forestry's young leaders

Editor Maria Church writes about young people thriving in the industry and introduces a new section of the magazine to look forward to.

Caribou plans need to consider complex science, FPAC urges

“We ask that the decision makers not jump to conclusions with partial science. If you start shutting down mills you are putting families at risk and it’s not certain you’re addressing the caribou problem,” FPAC CEO Derek Nighbor said in an interview with Canadian Forest Industries.
Featured News 

Forestry's Top 10 under 40 young professionals of 2017

Each of our 10 winners has been selected because he or she is excelling at his or her job and contributing to advancements in Canada’s forest sector. Their stories speak for themselves. » Read more...

Forestry photo contest winners announced

We would like to congratulate the top 10 winners whose photos are published in this print edition of CFI magazine as well as in CFI’s online edition. Andrew Vincent is the grand prize winner and will receive an Canon Rebel T6 with 18-55mm DC III Lens. » Read more...

Spark Conference

November 6-8, 2017 br> Location: Alberta, Canada » Learn More

Wood Solutions Conference

November 14, 2017
Location: Vancouver
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Scaling Up Conference – Bioeconomy

November 27-29, 2017
Location:Ottawa, Canada
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