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A collaborative industry forum can secure best safety outcomes

Conifex’s safety manager, Darren Beattie, provided an update on B.C.’s new Forest Industry Forum, on behalf of the Manufacturing Advisory Group.

6 questions to ask when choosing a dust collection system contractor

Making sure staff are current on the combustible dust regulations is challenging in itself, but how do they know they’re hiring a knowledgeable, qualified contractor? Here are six questions to ask.

Dealing with dust: Update on the Wood Fibre Storage Working Group

In 2017 the Wood Pellet Association of Canada Safety Committee created a new safety working group to facilitate the development of proposed guidelines around storage and infeed processes.
Featured News 

Preventing a dust collector inlet explosion

"In industry, dust collectors account for 42 per cent of explosions, which makes them a high risk for potential injury and damage to a facility where inlet duct explosion protection is not installed." John Bachynski outlines considerations for the purchase and installation of an inlet dust explosion protection device. » Read more...

Equipment spotlight: Dust collection and suppression systems

Canadian Biomass highlights some of the newest technology for collecting and suppressing combustible dust in pellet mills. » Read more...

Explosion protection needs and awareness

Fike’s Jef Snoeys, Jeff Mycroft, and Dave Buchanan outline concerns that arise from dust created during the processing of wood biomass, and best practices in the industry to mitigate those concerns. » Read more...

Is your facility at risk for a fire or explosion? 5 ways to tell

Regardless of size of the facility or dust particulate produced there are a few key things to look for when evaluating whether or not your system is a fire or explosion waiting to happen. » Read more...

Saw Tech Log and Rural Expo

July 20-22, 2018
Location: Renfrew, Ont.
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2018 Great Lakes Logging & Heavy Equipment Expo

September 6-8, 2018
Location: Oshkosh, Wisc.
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