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November 28, 2018

WFP to purchase Washington Doug fir sawmill Columbia Vista

"Bringing Western and Columbia Vista together provides Western the opportunity to expand its Douglas fir specialty product offerings, particularly in Japan,” said Don Demens, president and CEO of Western Forest Products.

The future of forestry: Meet Kris Hayman

For six years now, CFI has showcased the achievements and potential of young forestry leaders in our Top 10 Under 40. Each week we are featuring one of 2018's winners. This week, we introduce our readers to Kris Hayman, president, C&C Resources Inc., in Quesnel, B.C.

Overview of current North American lumber market

The question at hand: Why there is apparently no price difference between Canadian sales to domestic markets and sales to U.S. export markets? The short answer is: because the Canadian market is too small.
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Survey Snippet

Survey snippet 13: Log market diversifying

When it comes to diversity of markets for logs, it’s good news for Canadian loggers, and even better news the further east you go. Results from CFI’s 2018 Contractor Survey show a jump in the number of contractors who are able to supply to multiple mills compared to data two years ago. » Read more...
Contractor Survey

2018 Contractor Survey: Regional View – Quebec

Two years ago, a national survey done by CFI and Operations forestieres et de scierie magazines found Quebec contractors worked less and made less than colleagues in the rest of Canada, but they were also younger by far. This year, the results are even more positive for Quebec. » Read more...

FPInnovations applauds government's initiative to boost innovation in forestry

"The Economic Statement sends a clear message to Canadians that our forest industry, our workers, and the contribution we make to the economy are important to this country,” said Stéphane Renou, president and CEO, FPInnovations. » Read more...

Hydro One sends forestry techs to support California wildfire recovery efforts

In order to prevent further fires from occurring in the region, Hydro One's highly trained forestry technicians will travel to California to begin inspecting equipment and identifying possible vegetation hazards along transmission lines. » Read more...

Prairie Wood Solutions Conference 2018

December 11, 2018
Location: Calgary, Alta.
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TLA Convention & Trade Show

January 16 – 18, 2019
Location: Vancouver, B.C.
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OFIA 76th Annual Meeting & Convention

February 27, 2019
Location: Toronto, Ont.
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