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April 3, 2019
Madisons Lumber Reporter

Wood-fibre insulation: an effective, renewable choice for residential buildings

“Dry-process wood-fibre insulation panels are the future of building insulation in Canada because we have the natural resources and industry to produce them economically,” says FPInnovations lead scientist, Bob Knudson.

Toronto building to be among tallest mass timber commercial buildings in Canada

77 Wade Avenue will be eight storeys and approximately 150,000 square feet, making it among the tallest modern mass timber office and commercial buildings in Canada targeting LEED Gold.

Editorial: Better balance

CFI editor Maria Church shares her takeaways after interviewing women in the forest sector for International Women’s Day.
Sponsored Spotlight 
Acier JP

Rotary Debarker - Electric

Portable Rotary Debarker is available either diesel or electric powered, up to 30' long module with a capacity of debarking any log species. Log length up to 12ft and up to 30: diameter. In ideal condition it can produce up to 50 GCMT/HR with less the 1% bark content. Also manufacturing rotary step feeders, transfer, conveyor belts and chains, steel structures and log-ponds. » Learn more...
Featured News 

Robotics, online saw monitoring, and kiln AI at OptiSaw

We’ve rounded up speakers from industry-leading manufacturers, lumber producers, and scientists to explain their cutting edge sawmilling technologies and processes, and share valuable insight into the future of sawmilling. » Read more...
Tolko Armstrong

The ‘little mill that can’: Tolko Armstrong undergoes modernization project

The project will see some of the latest sawmill technology installed, including USNR’s BioVision grading module and SiCam’s closed-loop system to automatically adjust cutting tools. » Read more...

Log imports to China reached record high in 2018

This was the third consecutive year of year-over-year increases, with 2018 volumes being up 37 per cent from 2015, reports Wood Resources Quarterly. » Read more...

WorkSafeBC releases new trucking safety videos and information sheets

WorkSafeBC, in partnership with Safety Driven – Trucking Safety Council of BC, is introducing a new video series and set of corresponding resources to help reduce the risk of injury to drivers. » Read more...

Carrefour Forêts

April 2-5, 2019
Location: Quebec City
» Learn more

IWPA Convention

April 3-5, 2019
Location: Tucson, Ariz.
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COFI Convention 2019

April 3-5, 2019
Location: Vancouver
» Learn more