October 30, 2019 |
Canfor Corporation has announced it will take the company private by selling its remaining shares to Great Pacific Capital Corp. for $16/share.
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The provincial government has approved the sale of Conifex’s Fort St. James sawmill and associated forest license to Hampton Lumber.
The Sustainable Forestry Initiative Inc. launched the process to revise and update the SFI standard requirements at the SFI Annual Conference last week.
PDI's economical waste wood burner is capable of burning a variety of waste fuels, with varying moisture content. The burner provides a steady, stable source of clean heat to kiln. With options for direct heat and minimum ash carryover, or zero ash carry over this system eliminates the need for a boiler and allows continued use of waste products to heat the kiln. Designed to be both economical and efficient, the waste wood burner improves the bottom line without sacrificing quality.
Contact us today to discuss your needs at info@playerdesign.net or Tel: 207-764-6811
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“We’ve managed to bring a lot of young people that were in Alberta back home, to get their interest in being loggers again, because we can keep them so steadily employed. So that’s the positive. And I feel like the industry today on the west coast has strength in that regard,” says Dorian Uzzell, co-owner of Vancouver Island-based Wahkash Contracting.
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To acknowledge and highlight each winner of our Top 10 Under 40, CFI will feature one of 2019’s winners every week for the next 10 weeks. This week, we introduce our readers to Mike Penner, owner and president of Townsend Lumber Inc. in Tilsonburg, Ont.
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CVS Air System Lubricant is designed with superior cold weather usability as well as superior lubricating ability. Occurrences of sluggish or sticking air valves and cylinders is dramatically reduced by using CVS Air System Lubricant.
If your mill environment has air system problem spots, this product is something you may want to take a serious look at.
Contact Samuel@supersaulchemmex.com
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And any boss worth his or her salt knows that treating your people right pays for itself, writes CFI editor Maria Church.
A two-person panel appointed by the B.C. government is visiting communities to hear feedback on managing the province’s old-growth forests.
This year students were given the opportunity to tour a B.C. Interior mill and see Interior forests for the first time in the school’s history.
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