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Construction is expected to start in early 2022, and the new facility will employ approximately 60 people when operations begin in the first half of 2023. The sawmill will employ approximately 130 people when it is operating at full capacity.
The FMA with Crowsnest Forest Products is approximately 3,511 kilometres large. The agreement does not increase the amount of wood the company can harvest, but secures their access to fibre for the next 20 years.
Close to $615,000 in funding awarded to East Fraser Fiber Co. Ltd. (EFF) by the Forest Enhancement Society of BC (FESBC) is helping to support jobs in Mackenzie, B.C., and in the recovery of close to 30,000 cubic metres of low- quality fibre that otherwise would not have been used.
The funds will support 24 projects, including $184,178 to Bush Brothers Inc. to purchase new forestry equipment and increase their log loading and hauling capacity, and hire four new workers.
• Stationary or mobile
• Diesel or Electic
• Two to four rotors
• Conveyor
• Steel structure
• Step feeder
• Financing available
CONTACT US at (819) 947-8291
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Communication has become an important factor to master as an effective supervisor/manager in the forest industry. We communicate with individuals, small or large groups depending on the function at hand. But, it’s often overlooked and misunderstood as an essential component and employees, supervisors and managers regularly don’t understand its importance.
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CFI shares the newest machines for safely harvesting on challenging slopes in Canada.
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The PDI kiln heating system utilizes PDI’s proprietary waste wood burner and air-to-air heat exchangers to provide ash-free heat for up to two kilns at a time. PDI’s economical waste wood burner is capable providing a steady, stable source of heat while burning a variety of waste fuels with varying moisture content. A heat exchanger allows the combustion heat to be transferred to the inside of the kiln without exposing the final product to any ash or disrupting the airflow balance inside the kiln. PDI’s kiln heating system includes its own control system and supports full integration with kiln controls.
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Western Forest Products Inc. has donated $50,000 to the Canadian Red Cross BC Fires Appeal Campaign. With the provincial and federal governments matching donations to support the Canadian Red Cross campaign in B.C., this brings the total contribution to $150,000.
Liberal Premier Iain Rankin, PC leader Tim Houston and NDP leader Gary Burrill all recently told the CBC that their parties would not loan money for the mill revamp and construction of a state-of-the-art effluent treatment facility.
The June number follows downward revisions to the May estimate and marks the lowest rate since April 2020. Despite the recent cooling trend, new home sales are up 13.5 per cent on a year-to-date basis.
Through its industry-leading wood processing technologies and integrated solutions offering, BID will manage, design, build, equip, install, and provide full start-up services for the project.
Date: Sept. 16, 2021
Location: www.woodbusiness.ca
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Date: June 2-4, 2022
Location: Jonkoping, Sweden
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Date: Sept. 22-24, 2022
Location: Ottawa/Gatineau
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