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Phase One of Ontario’s new Construction Lien Act is in effect

Here are Q & A’s contractors like you might be asking

Renovation contractors remain a popular media punching bag

Is it time for industry regulation or more homeowner responsibility?

DULUX announces its “Colours of the Year”

Two deep greens take centre stage, both inside and out

The Inner Life of a Contractor, Part 1: Are you just molecules or more?

"The extent to which you thrive or wither as a contractor ultimately comes down to who you are inside." » Read More

More observations on Thermal Mass and ICFs

Great comments on how ICFs work from residential energy-efficiency expert Harold Orr » Read More

“Many consumers do more due diligence shopping for a $20 toaster than for a $200,000 renovation”

Probably because they buy multiple toasters during their lives and have less experience with renovations » Read More