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April 18, 2019

Eco Life owner stands by his record

“No one complains about my workmanship. No one complains about my prices,” says controversial Sudbury contractor

OCOT fees are finished, gone! Well… almost!

Ontario’s controversial tax on skilled trades is eliminated for all but one class

Demonstrate your firm’s diversity and you could win OLFA knives

It's "Celebrate Diversity Month" in April and OLFA, the Japanese utility knife giant, wants contractors to get involved

Sub trade asks for advice on how to get paid by his GC

The quote was fine. The P.O. was issued. The site foreman saw the job being successfully completed. Now the GC won't pay up. What gives? » Read More

Water leaking in from the highest part of a basement built on bedrock?

Bedrock is great to build on, right? Not so fast. The water control issues can be challenging. » Read More