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IPPE in-person event cancelled

Replaced with digital exhibitors, educational programs.

Chicken wire nowhere to be found amid surge in DIY food production

Stay-at-home orders, food security concerns led to surge in people growing their own food.

Manitoba poultry plant worker remembered

Gabriel Deng died after testing positive for COVID-19.
Sponsored Spotlight 

Salmet’s AGK3600 Enriched Colony System

The AGK 3600 high performance enriched system is designed for maximum productivity and manageability of your birds. The enriched system features a nest with nest mat, scratch pad, perches, claw sharpener and a specially designed floor for smooth egg roll out onto the egg belt ensuring great quality eggs every day. With Salmet’s high quality components, each system is designed to meet the most current regulations.

Ruby360 is dedicated as your partner to provide innovative solutions specific to your needs. The welfare of your animals, your staff and the environment are at the forefront of our decision-making process.

To learn more about our layer solutions or to find your local Ruby360 representative visit ruby360.ca
Feature articles 
Feather damage

Feather damage in alternative layer housing

Postdoctoral researcher Nienke van Staaveren and associate professor Alexandra Harlander in the department of Animal Biosciences at the University of Guelph have published landmark initial studies on what factors affect the extent of feather damage from feather pecking in cage-free and enriched housing systems. » Read more...
In-floor heating

The benefits of in-floor heating

Proponents of in-floor heating say it’s an effective solution for broiler production because it provides even heat distribution that warms the barn closer to where the chickens are located. Here, experts and producers weigh in on what’s new with in-floor heating and the pros and cons of this approach. » Read more...

Safeguarding the Poultry Industry webinar

Nov. 3, 2020 (NEW DATE) • Webinar » Learn more

PIC’s Science in the Pub

Nov. 30, 2020 • Webinar » Learn more