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B.C. poultry processing plant shut down after COVID-19 outbreak

Fraser Health said 22 employees at the facility have tested positive for the coronavirus.

Russia tells WHO it has detected first case of H5N8 in humans

Several workers at poultry farm infected.

Applications now open for organic poultry farm’s Eco-Scholar Award

Yorkshire Valley Farms' award goes to students passionate about organic agriculture practices.
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Annex Bookstore

Optimum Egg Quality

The Optimum Egg Quality Handbook describes in detail all the main egg defects, internal and external and looks at the possible causes and corresponding control measures. A comprehensive practical guide to improving egg quality.

The Optimum Egg Quality Handbook describes 15 shell defects and 9 internal defects, each illustrated with a colour photograph. It explains the possible causes and corresponding control measures for each defect. » Shop now...
Feature articles 
ILT outbreak

ILT outbreaks hit Ontario region

While ILT is usually a backyard flock problem, outbreaks occasionally occur on commercial poultry farms. Currently, Ontario’s Niagara region is dealing with a small epidemic. Here’s what’s being done to combat it and what producers need to know. » Read more...
Hen resilience

How enrichments build hen resilience

Studies have shown that rats and mice housed in groups in cages with various enrichments are braver and calmer when they’re subjected to experimental stresses. Now, new research has shown this to be true of poultry as well. » Read more...


Mar. 10, 2021 • Webinar » Learn more