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Thousands of animals dead in ‘agricultural disaster,’ says B.C. government

Dozens of chicken farms being evacuated due to flooding.

Think Turkey and VIA Rail launch Wishbone Reunions

Program aims to grant Canadians' wishes to come home for the holidays.

Bird flu spreads in Europe and Asia

All signs point to virus spreading quickly again.
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Annex Bookstore

Egg Signals

Egg Signals follows the egg’s progress through all the links in the chain, from poultry farmer to packer, processor, and consumer. It describes the creation of the egg’s unique composition.

Egg Signals uses 650 photographs and images to illustrate the basis of thinking about quality, and describes how to act accordingly. This book employs real-life cases taken directly from practice, leading to satisfied poultry professionals and happy consumers.

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Featured Articles 

Precision Feeding Research: Feeding frenzy

For the past two decades, Martin Zuidhof has been searching for the best approach for growing a uniform flock of broiler breeders. He’s discovered that offering birds many small meals a day may be the better way. Zuidhof’s work is based on an entirely new approach to feeding. » Read more...

Barn Construction: Chickens in concrete

You may already have heard of insulated concrete form (ICF) construction. These structures are gaining popularity because they offer low heating bills, good durability and high comparative performance to conventional buildings in terms of floods and earthquakes. » Read more...